“On the way” with Rosário

Rosário already has a handful of Camino de Santiago routes completed. In this latest one, she had the experience of going alone along our favorite route. She encountered challenges and surprises along the way, but nothing stopped our walker. Read the interview here!

Why did you make the way to Santiago?
Rosário: I wanted to celebrate my birthday in a different way. So, I decided to walk the Way and arrive that day at Santiago. I really wanted to do it alone, and after recovering from Covid, I thought it was the right time; therefore, I ‘sent’ myself to my fifth path.

What was your most challenging moment? 
Rosário: It was in stage 3, (Pontevedra – Armenteira) catching a huge storm of wind and rain, feeling loneliness and at some moments frustration for feeling that way needlessly. It was very hard. I couldn’t eat because of the rain and arrived at the hostel with blisters on my heels, completely worn out physically, but mainly psychologically. Anyway, I knew that sooner or later I would understand all those feelings.

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