“On the way” with André

André is a knowledgeable person about the Camino de Santiago. With several routes under his belt, he was invited by his friends to be the “guide”. Get to know his story better and take in the advice from someone who has completed this journey 12 times!

Why did you take the road to Santiago?
André: I did the Way to Santiago in April during the Holy Week, this year. I accompanied 2 friends because it was their first walk. As I have already done the roads to Santiago 12 times, they wanted me to go with them because they wanted someone who already had the experience. This time was different because I played the “guide” and prepared all the stages.

Bicigrinos a fazer o caminho de Santiago de Bicicleta

Cycling the Way to Santiago

For centuries, pilgrims have made this sacred journey in ill-fitting shoes and without roads to match. Only the richest could be lucky enough to travel comfortably on a pack animal.

5 spiritual rituals on arrival in Santiago de Compostela you can't miss

There are traditions that shouldn't be lost. Rituals, too. Everyone is free to follow them, but it's interesting to learn more about our favorite route.

12 things to do when arriving in Porto

When arriving in Porto you need a few days to relax before starting on your Way. Here are 12 suggestions for you to do when staying in this city.

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